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The Power of Competency in
Cross-functional Integrated Thinking
The cross-functional integrated thinking is a competency that can be learned.
It enables better decision making.
Better decisions create more value, bad decisions destroy it.
The cross-functional integrated thinking is the key to:
Understanding that organizations are dynamic, not static.
They are systems of interconnected elements that have to have a certain level of accumulated values to perform well.
Understanding that analysis just take systems apart and focus on those discrete elements.. Just like a broken mirror, when put together, will never again show a clear reflection.
Learning how the elements within the systems inter-relate with each other and with the system.
Continually validating assumptions, axioms,data points, and sources.
Considering, in addition to the short-term, long term costs and benefits of externalities that are being created.
Augmenting analysis with synthesis and then optimizing the outcomes.
Embracing the concept of learning organization.
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